In Acts 4, a group of Jesus followers were gathered
asking God to do powerful works in and through them
so that the Good News about Jesus would spread
throughout their city. As they were praying, the room was
SHAKEN by the power of the Spirit, and they moved
boldly out into their spheres of influence with good news
about Jesus. We are asking God to do the same here at
White Oak, in and through us.
I am thrilled to share an update on the remarkable waysGod is moving among us.
This year, our average attendance has been over
1,300 people. Imagine the impact of more than 1,300
individuals, inspired and equipped with the message of
Jesus, moving into our city, workplaces, schools,
and homes. Through God’s power, we are a
powerful force for transformation!
Since January, 50 people have boldly
declared Jesus as their King and Savior
through baptism. Each of these decisions represents a
profound life change, and we celebrate this with great joy!
White Oak, your generosity has been nothing short of
extraordinary! You have contributed over $4 million toward
our goal, allowing us to reduce our original loan (for the
Ross Twp. Facility) from $4.5 million to under $3 million.
This incredible feat has saved us $1.5 million in interest
over the life of the loan!
This is an extraordinary season of generosity, witnessing
God accomplish what only He can in and through us. We
have six more months of this SHAKEN season ahead of
us. White Oak, I challenge you to finish strong! Let’s keep
asking God to shake this place with his power and to move
us out connecting others to full life in Jesus!